6-Zaid Abdul Zaid Mahmadid: Interview on being Muslim and almost enslaved in Sudan
Dawah Book Shop has been a staple in the South Los Angeles community for eons. Owner Zaid Abdul Mahmadid speaks frankly to Dr. Kwaku about his muslim faith, his trip to the Sudan where he was almost kidnapped to be sold into slavery, his store and how it supplies incense makers and stores with fragrances, oils, incense holders and oil burners among many other things. http://www.dawahbooks.com/#!price-list-pg-1/cq3g
Dawah Book Shop: web: http://www.dawahbookshop.net/
Located at 2012 - 4801 Crenshaw Blvd., Los Angeles, CA 90043 323-299-0335.
Known issue: Some wind noise as the interview was conducted in a park.
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34.8 MB
62 minutes
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